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New Funds available and tips for your application: Sisters of Our Lady of Charity Fund

Published: Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sisters of Our Lady of Charity Fund now open for grant applications

The Sisters of Our Lady of Charity Trust Fund is seeking applications from projects that support women struggling with one or more of the following:

  • Addiction
  • Abuse and violence
  • Prostitution
  • Trafficking

Application deadline is the 31st of May 2013.

Please see the website for full criteria and application form.

Tips for your application form:

1. Make sure your projects fits the criteria
Applying for grants takes time and your time is precious. This is why this step is so important, it could save you time on an unsuitable application when you could be doing other valuable work.

2. Stick to the word limit
Applications that go over the word limit are then edited by a member of our grants team to fit the word limit. We understand that it can be difficult to capture the full extent of your proposal in a small number of words, but the best person to edit your application for maximum impact is you.

3. Apply in the correct medium
This is as simple as it sounds! Please apply in the requested format whether that is online, as an email attachment or by post. This is the best way to ensure your application is received without any problems.

4. If in doubt, give us a shout!
Wondering if your project fits into the criteria? Unsure of the breakdown of costs? Call or email the grants team with your questions- we're here to help smile info@foundation.ie 01-874-7354

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